Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What house plants are poisonous to cats?

I have 4 new kittens in the flat with a yucca, a little succulent cactus and a luxurious unidentified huge fern sort of thing.

What house plants are poisonous to cats?
Here is a link to a list of plants toxic to cats published by the ASPCA: http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pag...

Yucca is on the list.

This is the link to non-toxic plants ... again from the ASPCA.


And here is Cat Fancier's list: http://www.cfainc.org/articles/plants.ht...
Reply:I'm glad the resources are useful! Thank you! Report Abuse

Reply:cats hold up first priorty in my pets list!

none of the home/indore plants poisonous to cats but cactus prics when cats try to jump on is .

once my kitty jumpud on a cactus plant which was 25 centimeters ,the kitty got hurt.

grass nd fern play important role in cats deiting life!

whenever indigestion occurs to cats they eat grass and vomit all stuff present in stomach.

later they become alright!!
Reply:Don't know about any others but the pollen from lillies is fatal to cats - you should always remove the stamen as soon as the flowers open.
Reply:As many plants are poisonous, yucca and most cactus are mostly OK, unidentified fern hmm! Animals rarely eat poisonous plants even babies, instinct? If concerned simply

move the plants out of their reach.
Reply:There's a list of poisonous plants at www.moggies.co.uk

I wouldn't obsess too much about it - if they show an interest in chewing a plant, remove it.

Look out for floor cleaners/ disinfectants with phenols, formaldehyde or tea tree oil - these are poisonous to cats.
Reply:cats wont eat plants, theyre carnivores, they do grass through evolved instincts

dont worry about them

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