Monday, May 11, 2009

Which house plants do a good job of keeping indoor air at a comfortable humidity level?

i've had some plants before that aren't just nice to look at, but it seemed that they made their surroundings more pleasant too. i'd prefer not to go the humidifier route, as they can be noisy and/or cause mold.

are there any house plants you could recommend to help keep indoor air clean and comfortable until the time comes when we can open the windows again? (also very important: they MUST not be toxic to pets!)

thanks, i'm breathing better already!

Which house plants do a good job of keeping indoor air at a comfortable humidity level?
a complete list of air purifying plants (in relation to "sick building syndrome) is available at:

following is a list of low humidity requirement plants:

chinese evergreen, aloe vera, spider plant (one of the best!), Pothos (another really good one!), Ficus- weeping fig, philodendron, Sansevieria-mother-in-laws-tounge or snake plant,

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