Monday, May 11, 2009

What's the best self-watering tool for house plants?

What are the best plant watering tools for potted house plants? Where you insert a tool and it releases the correct amount of water for you or something.

What's the best self-watering tool for house plants?
you can use self-watering pot and you only need to top it up like once a week or so.

i know the tool that you are referring to, it's aqua spike. what you do is you screw up the aqua spike onto a water bottle and you stick it into the potting mix and it'll release the water from the spike. i never use it so i don't know how good it is.
Reply:I have a friend who is a florist and she is always bringing flowers and plants around our home. Nice girl but, a-little nutty.

Anyway. she puts this green compound in the bottom of the plant pots that holds like 20 times its weight in water. You can fill this block up with the water and it slowly releases its charge over weeks without dripping all over the place
Reply:Check with your local garden centre. There are things for this i am told.

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