Monday, May 11, 2009

Do any house plants create more oxygen than others?

If so, what type of house plant would give off a lot of oxygen? Please don't say an air plant because that wouldn't be funny! I'm trying to think of natural ways to keep household air pure during the winter months when the windows are shut for months on end!

Do any house plants create more oxygen than others?
all house plant create oxygen; the biggest benefit of house plants is, that that they take out the toxins in your indoor air.the( Dracaena): is a family of house plants that take out all three toxins,that you find in your indoor air .it includes :the Mass-cane,Janet Greg ,Marginata,Warneckei .the (Masscane )also known as a corn plant is one of easy-est to care for. all can be found, where ever house plants are sold.
Reply:I would guess that the plants with more surface area have better cleaning capabilities since the more surface area the more photosysnthesis that can occur which is the process that releases O2 into the air.
Reply:Peace Lily, better known as Easter Lilly! They thrive indoors and give off the best amount of Oxygen. (Did a study for my office once...)
Reply:Spider plants are very good air cleaners.

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