Saturday, November 19, 2011

How often should you water your house plants?

I live with my sister, but she always lets her plants die. She got four of them last week and hasn't watered them yet... so I'm stepping in.

How often should I water them?

How often should you water your house plants?
it depends on a lot of things, like humidity, which can suck the water out of the plants.

i usually water mine when the soil starts to get dry, but not completly dry. usually about twice a week.

maybe for her next birthday or christmas or whatever you should get her some of those glass things they sell on tv that you fill with water and put into the plant. that way she'll just need to refill them when they get empty and not worry about watering the plants.
Reply:It depends on what plant, but in general..I soak the crap out of them and just check them every few days. A lot depends on how hot it is in your house. Dryer weather I tend to water them more, I've had tropical plants that I keep in doors in the winter and outside all summer and have had them for almost 7 years now.

Rule of thumb....If you stick your finger in the dirt and it's damp...leave it, but if it's really starting to get dry or the plant is starting to droop, water the heck out of it, then just leave it
Reply:Good for you! you might try to pour room temperature water on each plant in a slow, controlled stream. when the water stops being soaked up by the soil you are done. repeat alternate days until you determine how much they need in a week.
Reply:Depending on plants. . it's gud to water them everyday or atleast 1ce in 2 dayz
Reply:usually once a week is good. cactus can go longer in between waterings.
Reply:Depends on what kind of plants they are. But I'd say if she's had them a week, some watering needs to be happening.
Reply:little bit every 3 days

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