Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bugs in my house plants?

I have a few house plants including a cane tree, an african violet, and an ivy plant that all have some kind of little gnat like bugs living in the soil. I've tried a spray for home and garden plants, but it just doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know of anything else I could use to get rid of these annoying bugs?

Bugs in my house plants?
First of all, isolate those plants. Then remove them from their containters, gently wash away all of the soil from their roots, scrup the pots with soap and water, and then re-pot them with clean soil. I would still keep them isolated for a couple of weeks, but the bugs should be gone. Good luck!
Reply:Ladybugs. That may work.
Reply:You need to get rid of all of the plants containing the bug. It is just going to spread to all of your plants. If you aren't sure you can contact a local greenhouse or flowershop...go to
Reply:Doesnt sound like a big problem..if the plants are healthy you probably just have fungus gnats---they generally dont harm the plants

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