Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do i get ris of aphids in my house plants??

I have noticed that a few of my house plants have lots of bugs flying around, they are destroying my plants, i want them to bug off, please help

How do i get ris of aphids in my house plants??
I did the dish soap thing and my plants died. I may have put too much don't know. Now I buy the pesticides from the store and have no problem. The bugs die qucikly and the plants stay alive.
Reply:If you mix regular dish soap with water in a spray bottle and spray it lightly on the plants it will kill the aphids not the plants mix a couple of table spoons dish soap to 32 oz of water.
Reply:if it is aphids, you can mist the plants with a mild soapy solution to kill them. if it is white flies or gnats, you have to get a bug spray for plants.

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